Switzerland Limited

Overview of Location

Should you be looking for an excellent jurisdiction in Europe that is a worldwide recognized financial center that keeps its top business prestige for a long time, and is considered to be a technologically advanced location, then you should definitely consider the incorporation of a Switzerland limited company. Swiss GmbH will enjoy access to the most advanced European and international business marketplaces. Investors and business developers that choose Switzerland as the jurisdiction for their company’s formation are offered a wide range of benefits.

In particular, companies incorporated in Switzerland can benefit from a well-developed legal system, enhanced protection for intellectual property, the market of highly-professional specialists, and a range of tax incentives for businesses. By a common rule, the approximate range of the maximum corporate income tax rate (CIT) on profits before tax is between 11.9% and 21%. This includes all, federal, cantonal as well as communal taxes. Further to it, Swiss legislation has a wide network of double tax treaties which are signed with more than 100 countries. These international agreements are aimed to introduce some exemptions from taxes or offer reduced rates while operating a business in several jurisdictions. Thus, no matter whether your entity is a startup or a big international corporation, Switzerland can be an attractive location for a company set up in Europe for both.

Company formation in Switzerland is a viable opportunity for businesses to expand within European regions and gain access to global markets from such a prestigious jurisdiction. Our team would be pleased to guide you through the process of limited company incorporation to avoid struggles and difficulties that can be met during the process. Contact Corpheroes today to learn more about opportunities to seize from doing business through a Swiss company.

Required Documents

List of files necessary for setup.

Features and Benefits

Peculiarities associated exactly with this jurisdiction.

Swiss SA (LTD) company formation, Swiss company formation
Company formation in Switzerland, Register a company in Switzerland (CH)
  • Annual maintenance of company: preparing documents for Annual General Meeting (AGM);
  • Assistance with filing the annual financial statements;
  • Corporate bank account opening for share capital deposit;
  • Registered address in Switzerland;
  • Nominee Swiss-residing director.

Formation package includes:

Formation Steps

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