Featured Locations

Company Formation Services by Location

Corporate Governance

  • Registered secretary and address;
  • Company and trade license renewals;
  • Corporate changes including share transfers, amendments to Articles of Association, to company name, (re-)appointment of Management/officer/director;
  • Calendaring and arrangement of mandatory annual compliance deadlines and statutory filings with company registries (excluding tax returns);
  • Maintenance of the company’s shareholders register and minute books;
  • Acquisition of notarized, legalized/apostilled documents or excerpts.
  • Virtual office;

  • Annual UBO compliance review and up-to-date records maintenance;

  • Planning, management, and monitoring of the active projects;

  • Preparation and filing of documents for the above corporate changes;
  • Preparation of Board and /or Shareholders Resolutions or Meetings documents, financial statements, and dividend distribution resolutions;
  • Advisory regarding the business model’s scope, requirements, and stages.

Our corporate and legal team provides a full-time support and assistance with acquiring financial licenses. In particular, Corpheroes specialize at foreign exchange and other money broker businesses, virtual asset service provisions, and payment service providers in some jurisdictions.


Currently, these include the following: Lithuania, Estonia, Seychelles, Labuan, Republic of Marshall Islands.

  • Assistance with corporate bank accounts and additional administrative support (changing signatories, etc.);
  • Preparation of the company financial statements;
  • Assistance with preparing company annual audit report.
First meet-up
Long-term relations

Our specialists will assist and guide you through:

  • Choice of a location to set up a company;
  • Determine and select the types of business activities;
  • Draft the initial corporate documents;
  • Check and reserve the desired name for the company;
  • Incorporate your business with the local registry.

We will treat your business as ours and ensure all your requirements are met.

 Once your company begins business operations, it may face the necessity to get additional services. Our team would be pleased to help with:

  • Apostilled certificates and documents;
  • Renewals;
  • Corporate resolutions;
  • Confirmation letters;
  • Virtual offices;
  • KYC compliance with local laws; and
  • Many more.

This would be an honour for us to assist with your inquiries on an ongoing basis.

Intellectual Property Services

Intellectual property rights serve as a powerful instrument for securing your business on the market.

Contact us today to find out more!

A trademark is a sign or combination of signs that are aimed to help distinguish products and services within the market. In particular, these include words, emblems, drawings, colours or their combination and even more. 

Patents are inventions eligible for legal protection within a jurisdiction or number of jurisdictions. The invention is called to introduce new products, technical solutions, or a new approach to particular processes. To claim patent protection, an invention has to include novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

Industrial design protection is another type of intellectual property protection aimed to secure the visual appearance of the object or product. The key criteria to claim IP protection for industrial designs are novelty, originality, and being not a part of a public domain.  The scope of the protections is mainly aimed to secure shape, design, form, patterns, or combination of them belonging to a particular industrial design.

Copyright is a type of legal protection that is aimed to provide exclusive rights to the creator of an original work. Copyrights protection covers literary, artistic, musical, or other creative forms of expression. Its purpose is to provide the creator with moral and economic rights over their works from any form of unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution or similar

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Inquire now to get all information about this jurisdiction.

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Let's set up Your business together

If you are looking for someone that will assist set up and maintenance of your business, you are in a right place. We strive to build relationships with our clients and partners in a way that you could rely on us.

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