Mauritius Authorized

Overview of Location

Mauritius Authorized Company is a relevantly new type of private limited company within this jurisdiction. This can be a wise decision to set up such a tax-effective business that would be able to operate globally without any restrictions on the majority of markets and regions. The key advantage of the Authorized Company in Mauritius is that they are considered to be a non-residing legal entity meaning that it has no right to operate in local markets and, therefore, is totally tax exempted. The key idea of this legal structure is to make businesses focused on the international trade of goods and services while having Mauritius registration and an effective place of management outside of Mauritius.

Some time ago, Mauritius was greylisted under enhanced monitoring until the effective AML (Anti-Money Laundering) measures are introduced and controlled by national legislation. As of January 07, 2022, Mauritius has been removed from any Black/Grey lists as a country bearing no high risk. Indeed, Mauritius put an enormous effort to implement effective controlling measures in counteracting the AML/CFT activities within the country. This is also related to Authorised Companies as well which have to pass periodical compliance checks with their financial institutions and local registered agents and registered secretaries.

In fact, these measures allowed Mauritius companies to get access to the global network of local and international banks, European and US markets as well as preserve their relations with Asian and MENA regions. Currently, this location serves as a solid basis for different types of entities: Mauritius Authorised Companies, Mauritius Investment Dealer License, Mauritius Payment intermediary services (PIS) license, Investment funds, and many more. Corpheroes would be pleased to guide you among the variety of companies to be incorporated and licenses to be acquired as our team provides full assistance with these matters.

Should you decide to set up a limited company in Mauritius, Corpheroes will assist at all stages: preparation of the KYC files, building business plans, Registration with the Register of Companies (ROC), and acquiring authorization from the Financial Services Commission (FSC), introducing and helping with the corporate account opening in financial institutions of your choice. We aim to provide tailored company services so that your business would be able to benefit from the best advantages of the selected location.

Required Documents

List of files necessary for setup.

Features and Benefits

Peculiarities associated exactly with this jurisdiction.

Mauritius Authorised Company (AC) incorporation, Company formation in Mauritius
Register a company in Mauritius (MU), Mauritius Limited (LTD) company set up
  • Annual maintenance of company: submission of annual return, renewal of registered address and secretary;
  • Preparation of annual accounts;
  • Assistance with local corporate account opening;
  • Acquisition of the Apostilled documents and certificates upon request;
  • Maintenance and annual review of UBO register.

Formation package includes:

Formation Steps

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