Italy Limited

Overview of Location

Italy promotes foreign investments and provides favorable conditions for startups and limited companies. The government’s policy is to create incentives, supportive schemes, and measures for businesses. This can be considered a great advantage, especially taking into account that such support can be met quite rarely.

Limited company in Italy can benefit from the high standards of profitability, stability, good return, and access to a large consumer market in Italy and the EU. Company formation in Italy takes few days only once all documents are received which is an excellent advantage for those in a hurry to jump right into business.

No matter whether you look for Italy limited company (società a responsabilità limitata or S.r.l.) or other legal structures like sole proprietorships, or partnerships – our team of advisors will be pleased to provide expert guidance in this jurisdiction. In particular, you will get a company that would be fully compliant with the local registry and ready for operation.

Corpheroes may offer assistance with corporate account opening, obtaining mandatory tax numbers for company and directors or shareholders (non-resident), acquisition of secured token for digital signatures (business key for corporate and statutory filings), providing your business with a registered office in Milan and even assist with the translation of documents to Italian.

Our team and company formation services offer a tailored approach depending on your business needs. Corpheroes provide advisory and assistance for businesses in different industries and help to navigate through the complex legal system and requirements, in particular in Italy.

Required Documents

List of files necessary for setup.

Features and Benefits

Peculiarities associated exactly with this jurisdiction.

Register a company in Italy (IT), Registered address set up in Italy
Company formation in Italy, Italian company formation
  • Annual maintenance of company: preparing documents for Annual General Meeting (AGM);
  • Assistance with filing the annual financial statements;
  • Acquisition of mandatory tax code for non-resident director and shareholder;
  • Issuing a digital signature device for corporate filings (business key);
  • Registered address in Milan;
  • Assistance with corporate account opening;
  • Assistance with translation of documents to Italian;
  • Maintenance and annual review of UBO register.

Formation package includes:

Formation Steps

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Reputable European jurisdiction, top 4 of the economies within EU.

Most prestigious location with prudent legal environment

Most tending business location of nowadays

Let's set up Your business together

If you are looking for someone that will assist set up and maintenance of your business, you are in a right place. We strive to build relationships with our clients and partners in a way that you could rely on us.

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