France Limited

Overview of Location

The formation of a France Limited company (SARL) can be a wise solution for entrepreneurs that are looking to settle business interests in the European Union. France is one of the most successful EU countries to set up your limited company. It is an extremely regulated jurisdiction that guarantees transparency, consistency, and legal certainty. France has been recognized as a vibrant market with a corporate climate that welcomes investments and has a fair legal system and tax regime.

Founders of the SARL (Limited Liability Company) can limit their liability and secure personal assets by means of incorporating this type of entity. To proceed with the France Limited company formation, it will be necessary to draft the company’s articles of association. These should contain the main purpose, intended business activities, corporate, registered share capital to be paid up as well as number of shares, and their value. Besides that, the Articles of Association have to contain such details as a number of directors to be appointed, their mode of appointment and resignation, etc.

Once the above is prepared and other required KYC files are collected, the SARL can be duly incorporated with the trade and companies register. Upon this, the company will be able to proceed with the acquisition of the SIRET number and various documents necessary for managing the company’s affairs.

In summary, France Limited company formation is a relatively simple and quite straightforward process that will allow investors to incorporate an entity in a due course and enjoy all features that France and the EU market may offer.

Required Documents

List of files necessary for setup.

Features and Benefits

Peculiarities associated exactly with this jurisdiction.

  • Annual maintenance of company: preparation of documents to hold the Shareholders' Annual General Meeting, filing of annual financial statements;
  • Registered address;
  • Corporate account opening for paid-up capital deposit and for day-to-day operations;
  • UBO's registration.

Formation package includes:

Formation Steps

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