BVI Limited

Overview of Location

The British Virgin Islands is considered to be another classical offshore jurisdiction with a long story and deserved reputation. This location is one of the leading countries by its popularity when international businesses are looking for effective tax planning solutions. BVI Limited Company may benefit from a number of advantages that this jurisdiction can offer. In particular, International Business Companies in BVI can enjoy a favorable territorial tax regime, no capital gains tax, no VAT, no withholding taxes, and enhanced privacy for company shareholders.

As mentioned, the local legislative framework is aimed to provide a high level of confidentiality and security on personal details for persons invested in the corporate entity. This means that company shareholders' (member) registers are not part of the public domain and can be disclosed by the company’s local registered agent only. Further to it, BVI can offer to its IBC companies the so-called territorial tax system which allows all income derived from outside of BVI to be not subjected to a corporate income tax and, therefore, to be tax exempted.

In its turn, the company has no limitation to select the desired types of business activities as well as locations where to operate. The only exception is that some types of activities may require obtaining proper licensing from Financial Services Commission (FSA) first: banking, insurance, financial brokerage, and some others.

Besides that, the country imposes no limitations on the place of residence neither for shareholders nor directors while there are no requirements for the local directors or substance. These benefits make British Virgin Islands companies perfect to be controlled and governed from any part of the world.

The team at Corpheroes would be glad to offer professional and tailored assistance that would be personalized depending on your needs. Let our team provide guidance through legal and regulatory requirements of setting up an IBC company in BVI for you to stay focused on running the business.

Required Documents

List of files necessary for setup.

Features and Benefits

Peculiarities associated exactly with this jurisdiction.

BVI Limited (LTD) company set up, Company formation in BVI
Register a company in British Virgin Islands (VG), Set up registered address in BVI
  • Annual maintenance of company: submission of annual return;
  • Acquisition of necessary apostilled documents;
  • Maintenance and annual review of UBO register.

Formation package includes:

Formation Steps

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